04 October 2008

something i wrote today

I'm writing this spontaneously
With no editing or drafting
Because I usually drastically
Unwrite the songs I love,
Replace them with bombastity,
Words that nobody would ever, ever think of.

First verse, introduction
This verse sets the stage:
A world filled with nothing
'Cept man and his imagination -
Broad enough to think the thought
That anything means something

But some men live realistically
They see the world for what it is
Some men live cynically.
They see it for what it is, too.
Some men live blindly and happily
While others are calloused and blue.

Inside of me lives each of these men
They battle and rage for face time
But I manage to stretch my mind,
Dreaming of a world looking up.
Somewhere must exist a way to be happy
Somewhere there must be a half-filled cup.

a.l. knox.

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