27 April 2008

making sense out of nonsense.

Pretending is something that comes easily to her
No one would ever dare be caught teasing her
Would lead to a road block that could never end.
She isn't me and I'm not her, but when has that ever stopped us?
The barriers are coming down, sweetheart,
and the monsters that eat sweetened hearts aren't far behind.
Makes me wonder why you're so blind, it's not hard to understand a logical mind
But its what you like, just like time.
I know you lied when you said it didn't matter
It's constantly driving you crazy, you mad hatter
The facts just keep getting sadder, and it's all because you never really mattered.
Not to me, not to the stars, and quite frankly I'm only concerned as far as
where you end and I have begun to begin.
The sky tells me it only goes from one to where I will win.
I can see the spiral in the distance these days
Where it's points end and reflect off the golden rays
The sun will be the first to deny you.
You shouldn't have lied with the stars reflecting in your eyes
This is your last chance to change, to believe that you tried
Not even that can keep you alive.
What I'm seeing is what makes me keep believing
that leaving is what needs to happen, or I'll just keep seething
out anger in long trailing pieces
when all i want to do is be dreaming with someone whose brain is teeming with ideas about
steady breathing and will stop needing me to be everything but one piece.
I know what I'm doing this time.


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